Export to Norway
Export to Norway
The first thing you need to know, if you are going to export to Norway, is that the country is not a member of the EU. This means that there are rules of conduct and customs rules that you, as an entrepreneur, need to know about in order not to incur unnecessary fees. In the worst case, your goods and goods may be refused entry by Norwegian customs.
There is no free trade between Norway and Sweden. However, it can be called free movement with reservations. Although the country is not a member of the EU, Norway is part of the EUs internal market where free movement of goods and services must prevail. In addition to the EUs 27 member states, the internal market also includes Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The three countries have a trade agreement (EES) with the EU, which means free movement of goods and services. With some exceptions.
You as a company will have to pay customs fees and complete the correct customs declarations in order to successfully complete an import from Sweden into Norway.
By using a customs broker like Tullify, you can feel confident that all your goods and cargo will enter Norway and reach their final destination. We handle your case within just a few hours of it reaching our staff. You can contact our staff via chat, form, email or call.
How do I export to Norway from Sweden?
There are several different ways you can carry out an export from Sweden to Norway. The easiest way is to contact us at Tullify and let us help you with the customs declaration and the export in its entirety. Through us, you get help with the following steps that must be carried out according to Norwegian customs:
VAT handling and various costs that may be added (incl. excise taxes)
Customs rules and customs costs for specific goods
Correct declarations and declaration forms to be completed
Customs clearance of goods
Classification of your goods
If, against all odds, something should happen when you have sent your goods to Norway, we will help you. There may be questions from Norwegian customs that you may not understand. We at Tullify have extensive experience in customs handling and we have good knowledge of how exports and imports should be carried out to Norway.
Customs rules when you have to send goods and goods to Norway
Norway is not part of the EUs common customs area - only countries that are members of the EU are. Within the EUs customs area, all customs formalities and customs controls between member states have been removed. Here, trade in goods is regulated by common customs legislation. When a product has been customs processed in connection with import from a country outside the EU, the product can circulate freely and be resold within the EU.
The requirements for the importation of goods and services are often the same in the EU and ESS. Other goods must be mutually recognized by the authorities of the EU and EEA countries. It assumes that the goods meet the same rules for origin that apply to reduced duty in the EEA agreement. There are also goods that are regulated differently. Some are also not covered by the EEA agreement. It may be a reason why goods are not accepted by the customs authority of the receiving country.
How much does it cost to export to Norway?
We at Tullfy can guarantee you good prices when you choose to export to Norway. Regardless of the size of your export, we have a solution and a price proposal for you and your company.
The prices of what it costs to export to Norway vary. Some of the factors that affect the price are different Norwegian customs regulations, inflation, what type of goods you import into Norway and the volume of the entire import.
Note: In Norway, you are exempt from the obligation to declare if you order goods from abroad where the value of the shipment is less than NOK 350, including shipping and insurance costs.
What customs documents are required for export to Norway?
In order, as a Swedish company, to be able to export to Norway, a Swedish export declaration is required. In short, it can be said that it allows you to leave the EU. You also need to solve a Norwegian Import Declaration in consultation with the buyer. We offer to help you with both pieces so you dont have to mess with it.
5 Steps to sell to Norway
In order for the declaration to Norway to be carried out as quickly and simply as possible, you need to be aware of which rules and which documentation applies to your particular goods.
Here are 5 important points to help you get started.
1. Apply for an EORI number
EORI number is a unique registration number used to identify your company
within the EU. Apply for the number here or we can check if you already have one for you.
2. Find out the product code and duty rate for your item
On the Swedish Customs Administrations website you will find both the Swedish commodity code and a reference to the Norwegian one. If you need help with the classification, just get in touch.
3. Check export regulations in Norway
There may be export restrictions for your goods in Norway. For some types of goods you will need a license or permit. Goods subject to restrictions in Norway include food and plants, alcoholic beverages and electrical products. In Norway, you also always have to pay input VAT and declare VAT.
4. Produce the correct documentation (supporting documents).
To show what you are exporting, a commercial invoice called Commercial Invoice is usually used,
but for goods that are not paid or charged for, a Proforma Invoice is used instead. You can choose to send the customs documentation electronically as EDI or via the Swedish Customs Administrations Internet declaration (TID). Or you call us and we will help you - from start to finish.
5. Do you need an export certificate?
In a few cases, for example in case of temporary export or request for refund of duty on return, you may need proof that the goods have left the EU. The Tax Agency or other authorities can by others
reasons also want to see an export certificate. To get this, enter the code 30400 in the field
"special information/code" in the export declaration.
FAQ - Learn About the Most Common Questions Regarding Export to Norway
What is Required to Export to Norway?
To export to Norway, you need a Swedish export declaration along with a Norwegian import declaration. We can assist you with both if desired.
What Documentation is Required to Export to Norway?
The supporting documents you need include an invoice, pro forma invoice, or receipt. If the package and weight are not mentioned in these documents, they will also be required. You must be able to present your supporting documents if requested by the Swedish Customs. Keep in mind that the country to which you are exporting may have additional requirements for the invoice and other documentation than those applicable in Sweden.
Is Norway Part of the EEA Agreement?
Yes, this free trade agreement applies to Norway, EU countries, Iceland, and Liechtenstein. This means that trade is almost tariff-free for all goods, and there is free movement of most goods, services, capital, and people between Norway and the EU. (However, not all goods are included.)
Why Export from Sweden to Norway?
One of the many reasons is that you have a good chance of success. Norway and Sweden are like big brother and little brother, and throughout history, we have had many different collaborations. Our shared history, cultural heritage, and geographic proximity make it smooth and easy to work with and understand each other. Our linguistic similarities give Swedish companies a good opportunity to succeed in business in Norway.
Is There a Customs Duty When Exporting to Norway?
When exporting to Norway, you are leaving the EU as you cross the border, and customs duties may apply. However, since Norway is a member of the EEA, free trade exists between Norway and Sweden, meaning that the recipient usually does not have to pay customs duties on most goods. The main goods subject to customs duties from Sweden to Norway are textiles, food, and beverages.
Can Goods Be Sent on Temporary Export to Norway?
Yes, if you are performing a job, sending goods for exhibitions, or sample collections, you can send them on a temporary export and then re-import the goods without paying customs duties or VAT. You will need an export certificate, and for the Norwegian customs, there is no need to pre-register the goods.
Is It Common to Export to Norway?
Yes, Norway is Sweden’s largest trading partner.